- Securing any network infrastructure is like securing possible entry points of attacks on a country by deploying appropriate defense. Computer security is more like providing means of self-defense to each individual citizen of the country. The preventive measures attempt to secure the access to individual computers–the network itself–thereby protecting the computers and other shared resources such as printers, network-attached storage connected by the network. Attacks could be stopped at their entry points before they spread. As opposed to this, in computer security the measures taken are focused on securing individual computer hosts. A computer host whose security is compromised is likely to infect other hosts connected to a potentially unsecured network. A computer host’s security is vulnerable to users with higher access privileges to those hosts.
- Network security starts from authenticating any user. Once authenticated, firewall enforces access policies such as what services are allowed to be accessed by the network users. Though effective to prevent unauthorized access, this component fails to check potentially harmful contents such as computer worms being transmitted over the network. An intrusion prevention system (IPS) helps detect and prevent such malware. IPS also monitors for suspicious network traffic for contents, volume and anomalies to protect the network from attacks such as denial of service. Communication between two hosts using the network could be encrypted to maintain privacy. Individual events occurring on the network could be tracked for audit purposes and for a later high level analysis
- Perform comprehensive security audits
- Recover quickly from virus and worm attacks
- Set up firewalls
- Configure safe techniques for remote and mobile access
- Deploy automated software for protection against viruses, spam, and directory harvest attacks
- Develop a security strategy with 24×7 monitoring
- Provide on-site and remote service or Help Desk Call Center and Consulting